(+237) 674-679 -298 info@cysdcam.org

Sponsor a Child’s Education and Ignite a Future


Welcome to CYSD sponsorship program, where we believe in the transformative power of education. Every child deserves the chance to dream, learn, and build a future filled with promise. You can be the catalyst for change by sponsoring a child’s education today.

Why Sponsor a Child?

In many corners of the world, children face barriers to education, hindering their potential and limiting their opportunities. Your sponsorship can break down these barriers, providing a child with access to quality education, a pathway out of poverty, and the tools to overcome life’s challenges.

How Does Sponsorship Work?

By becoming a sponsor, you embark on a journey of impact. Your yearly contribution directly supports a child’s education, covering costs such as school fees, uniforms, exercise and textbooks, and essential resources. Beyond financial support, you form a meaningful connection with a child, offering encouragement, mentorship, and a source of inspiration.

The Impact of Your Sponsorship:

  • Education for All: Your sponsorship ensures that a child, who may otherwise be denied an education, has the opportunity to attend school regularly.
  • Breaking the Cycle of Poverty: Education is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty. By sponsoring a child, you empower them with the tools for a brighter future.
  • Health and Well-being: Education contributes to improved health outcomes. Your sponsorship supports not just academic growth but also the overall well-being of a child.
  • Empowering Communities: When you sponsor a child, you contribute to the development of entire communities. Educated individuals become agents of positive change, impacting those around them.

How to Get Involved:

  • Choose a Child: Browse through profiles of children awaiting sponsorship. Each profile tells a unique story of hope and potential.
  • Contact us: Let us know you have taken an interest in sponsoring a child and then we will provide answers to any questions you may want to know. 
  • Make a yearly Commitment: Select a sponsorship plan that fits your budget. Your yearly commitment directly supports your sponsored child’s education.
  • Build a Connection: Exchange letters, photos, and updates with your sponsored child. Witness the impact of your support firsthand.

Start Your Journey: Ignite Hope, Ignite Change!

Join us in making a lasting difference in the lives of children through education. Sponsor a child today and become a beacon of hope, guiding them towards a future filled with possibilities. Your commitment has the power to shape destinies. Together, let’s write a story of empowerment, resilience, and the boundless potential that education unlocks.



 13 Years Old


 6 Years Old


10 Years Old


13 Years Old



8 Years Old


7 Years Old


6 Years Old


5 Years Old


6 Years Old


3 Years Old